Thursday, July 10, 2008

Two weeks in review

We have been quite busy lately. On June 26th my mom and dad came into town. We had a nice time chatting and visiting. That friday we went to the zoo. Naomi loved it and I think learned quite a bit more about animals. Her favorite was the elephants. This is her riding the merry-go-round.

Gwen and I sat and chilled in the shade while Naomi rode the giraffe.

On Monday we went to the Earth Science Museum and the Monte L Bean Museum's on campus. I must admit they have some pretty cool stuff! Naomi enjoyed every minute of it! 

On July 2nd, Brian's sister Chanda and her husband Morgan came to visit us with their two kids Maeve and Ruby. They were visiting the US from South Africa and were so nice to travel around the entire country to see everyone! Naomi and Gwen loved having Maeve and Ruby around all of the time. Naomi is still asking when they are coming back "home". The best day was definitely fourth of July. Unfortunately I was dumb and did not take ANY pictures. Hopefully Chanda and Morgan will post some once they get settled back home. We drove up into the canyon and grilled some hot dogs. The girls got to go with Chanda and Morgan on a "hike". Later in the day Uncle Tracy and Uncle Timmy joined us. We found a cute little creek near where we were grilling so the girls and Brian and Morgan played for hours! They were all soaked through and dirty! That evening (almost 11pm) we watched the Stadium of Fire Fireworks. They were ok except that ALL of the children were very grumpy and sleepy. It was really nice to just sit and talk and laugh with them while they were here. Its nice to get to know them better too!!

As for me, I am really enjoying my new calling as Visiting Teaching Leader. I'm constantly working on it and trying to find how we can improve things! Its really fun! 

This is a random pictures of Gwen. She decided to take all of the food out of the bottom of our pantry and then climb on in. This is her on her way out because she saw me grab the camera. She was running to get to it!

1 comment:

Beth said...

Oh man I love this post. I especially love the picture of Gwen in the pantry. haha She seems so hilarious! I love that she was running to get the camera. What is it with kiddos and cameras?